Showing posts with label classes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label classes. Show all posts

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Basics: Just what IS an object, anyway?

This is a pretty long one by the standards of this blog.  Try to stay with it, though, the concepts are crucial.

Whether people are experienced developers used to procedural languages or newcomers to programming in general, really understanding objects tends to be a bit of a sticking point.  It's odd, because once you start to get it, everything seems quite natural.

An object is a representation of...  something.  Sometimes they represent fairly nebulous concepts, sometimes they represent very real physical things, but in all cases they're a kind of model.  Objects have properties, just like a flower has a color or a bee has [6] legs.  Objects have methods, which are really just things you can ask them to do, like 'release pollen' or 'sting someone'.  Finally, objects have events, or at least they can generate events.  That could be 'I've been pollinated' or 'I left my stinger in someone'.  Any particular object may make use of one, two or all three of these constructs.

Objects are based on classes in Java.  There is an all too human tendency to use the terms interchangeably and I've probably been guilty of doing that, too.  Technically, a class defines how an object should be built and an object is an instance of such a class.  Basically, after you write your code you compile it to create a .class file, and then when you run your code you can make a new object from said class. Making objects is easy enough, most of them get created (or instantiated) by using the new keyword like this:

    SimpleObject myObject = new SimpleObject();

Let's break that down:

First, we have declared that we're interested in working with a variable of type SimpleObject.  In other words, someone out there has written a file that defined a SimpleObject class and you're going to make an object from that definition.

That variable will be called 'myObject'.  We have to name our variables or we'd have a really hard time referring to them in our code!

We're not referring to a previously existing SimpleObject, we're going to make a completely new one.  The actual creation is handled by a constructor inside of, and we need to rely on that constructor doing its job, correctly setting up anything within the new object that needs to be in place.

Some objects don't appear to have constructors at all if you read the code, but that just means that there is no need for a constructor to do any setup work, so the programmer was able to rely on Java creating a default constructor for them.  The code for SimpleObject may have been written either way.  We don't care at this point, we just know we can call it.  I'll get back to constructors a little later when we talk about actually writing a class of your own.

Defining an class in Java is straightforward enough.  You don't really have to do any more than create a .java file with a bit of correct syntax.  The following example is enough to make a SimpleObject class (which really can't do anything but exist):

package com.oopuniversity.simpleobject;

public class SimpleObject {

Of course, a class that doesn't do anything isn't very useful, but I think it's good to have a picture in your head of all the 'extra' stuff that absolutely needs to be in place.  Code can look a bit busy to new developers, and its best to know what is basically template stuff that you should make sure is there and then ignore.

Just to break it down, that 'package' statement up at the top tells the compiler where the generated class file should go.  It's basically specifying an output directory, but using periods instead of slashes or backslashes.   Packaging is primarily an organizational tool and it turns out to be an important one later on.

Then we have 'public class SimpleObject' which tells us we're defining a class called SimpleObject.  That public keyword is important, it controls whether other objects in a larger program are able to create SimpleObjects or even refer to them at all.  For now, just use 'public'.  The day will come when you start to use other modifiers for specific reasons, but if you're reading this to learn you don't have those reasons yet.

Then we have some curly braces.  Those are ubiquitous in Java programs, and basically set boundaries for chunks of code.  In this case, they are setting the boundary for the beginning and end of the class, although they don't actually contain anything.  Anything between those brackets will be considered an attempt at having something be a part of SimpleObject.

Man, four paragraphs to describe three lines...  I guess a fair amount of information is consolidated down into even that useless bit of code!  Fortunately, that stuff always stays pretty much the same.  Once you understand that structure, you can kind of stop worrying about it and move on.

I mentioned above that I would talk about constructors.  Well, that time has come.  The following code is (aside from being in a different package) precisely identical to the previous code:

package com.oopuniversity.simpleobjectwithconstructor;

public class SimpleObject {
    public SimpleObject() {

The only differences are:

  1. We changed the package definition, which lets us have this version of SimpleObject sit in the same project as the previous version without any conflicts.
  2. Now we have something new inside the braces that define the class.

The package definition is needed because I'm keeping everything inside one big project.  Just like you can't have two files with the same name in one directory, you can't have two classes with the same name in one package.

The new stuff inside the braces is defining a default constructor for SimpleObject.  It's public which means other objects can use it to make a new SimpleObject.  It has nothing between the parentheses, which means you can create a SimpleObject without having to give it any parameters, which are nothing more than pieces of information you give it (we'll talk about those soon).  Then it has some more of those fun curly braces, which again define boundaries.  Anything inside this particular pair of braces belongs not just to the class, but to the constructor itself.

Why would you want to write a constructor like this, making your class busier?  Well, you wouldn't, and that's why you get this for free with any class you write that doesn't bother defining a constructor of its own.  However, you DO need to know about and understand this for one simple reason:  It is also possible to define a class using a constructor (or a whole bunch of them if you like) that has parameters.  If you do this, the compiler will *not* create a default constructor for you and you won't be able to use a default constructor unless you explicitly write one.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Inheritance Part 2: That's Rather Abstract, Isn't it?

I hope you've been browsing through Java source code outside of your own and the small samples I've provided on this site.  Reading and trying to understand code can only help you in the long run.  You will encounter different code styles, you will see interesting data structures, API calls you didn't know existed, all sorts of stuff.

Today I'm going to talk about something you might have seen, but if you haven't, it's no big deal.  It is the keyword abstract.

We use abstract as part of the definition of a class, which indicates that while it is in fact a valid class file, nobody is allowed to create an object of that type.  That doesn't mean that it's useless though.  Remember, we have inheritance on our side.  You can create concrete classes (concrete is just the opposite of abstract, indicating a class from which you can create objects.  No special keyword is needed for that) that extend abstract classes all you want.

We also use abstract as part of method signatures when we want to create the idea of a particular method call but wish to defer the actual implementation of said method to our concrete classes.  This is similar in concept to interfaces, and sometimes it's more of a personal decision as to which you will use.

You see a lot of abstract classes in use when you look through frameworks, which are basically bodies of code designed to accomplish some function but with the details left up to the final developer.  There are business frameworks, logging frameworks, GUI frameworks, reporting frameworks, the list is very long.  Usually the trigger for creating a framework is when someone realizes they've just written the same thing for the fifth or tenth time, and that the differences between the various programs are relatively minor.  Maybe you query a database, format a report and write it to a file, and it's always the same except for the details of which fields you look for and print.

This is a great application for abstract classes.  Let's take a look at a simple one:

public abstract class Report {

Well, that's about as simple as it gets.  To be fair it's also about as useless as it gets but never fear, we'll fill in some details later.  Actually it's not entirely useless.  You might want to have a set of classes that all share a common base class so that you can collect them into a Collection of some sort, although you could also make this work with an interface.  Abstract classes really come into their own when you include some code within them.  So let's write something.

public abstract class Report {
    public abstract void GenerateOutputLine(String dataLine);
    public abstract String ReadData();

    public void runReport() {

        String dataLine = null;
        while( null != ( dataLine = ReadData() ) ) {

OK, that was simple enough.  We have defined not only our abstract Report class, but made it do a little bit of work for us.  It calls ReadData until that method returns a null, and then takes the value returned from ReadData and passes it to GenerateOutputLine.  Of course, you can't actually run this report, you need to create at least one concrete class based on it.  That could be a simple test driver designed to make absolutely certain that your framework behaves properly with known data.  It could be something that reads from one file and writes to another, which would basically give you a 'copy file' command.  It could be something that reads one file, does some calculations or modifications, and then spits out the changed data.  The options are nearly endless, despite the fact that this is a highly simplified example.

Let's write a simple test driver:

public class ReportTester extends Report {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ReportTester rt = new ReportTester();

    String [] dataLines = {
        "one", "two", "three", "four", "five"
    int lineNumber = 0;

    public void GenerateOutputLine(String dataLine) {

    public String ReadData() {
        String toReturn = null;
        if (lineNumber < dataLines.length) {
            toReturn = dataLines[ lineNumber++ ] ;
        return toReturn;

Now if we were to run 'ReportTester' we'd get the output:


The main driver of the program is still in that 'Report' superclass, but the implementation details have been kept in ReportTester.  We run the code in Report, and it calls the methods it finds in ReportTester to do the work.  ReportTester itself is quite simple.  In addition to a simple main that does nothing more that create ReportTester and run it (actually running that method from the superclass Report), it defines the specific implementations for our two abstract methods.  One method does nothing more than write to the console and I hope I don't need to explain that.  The other goes through an array of Strings, returning the next one in the array and increasing the index value each time it's invoked until it reaches the end of the list, at which time it returns a null which triggers the end of the loop in 'runReport'.

This is of course tremendous overkill for a program of this size, but as your projects get more involved, the ratio of abstract code to concrete code is likely to change quite a bit.  System maintenance gets easier and faster, and your software gets more robust.  After all, a bug fix to a framework may take care of issues across several dozen different specific implementations of different reports.

I will of course revisit this topic later, because we've only scratched the surface of the possibilities brought on by object orientation.  With enough small components intelligently built, one can assemble new programs almost like putting together Tinker Toys or Lego.  One's systems can be defined in large part by configuration files, and changed easily at will, all without writing, testing or deploying new code.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Importing and Packages - Customs won't like this.

Alright, I've been ignoring it, but the time has come to take on a fairly important issue when it comes to organizing your code.  The topic of the day is packaging.

Packages are really not much more than a set of directories (or folders if you prefer) into which your .class files are placed.  This becomes important once your projects get beyond two or three .java files, because you really want to avoid namespace clashes.  You don't even know what they are yet but I'll bet you're agreeing that they sound like something to avoid.  More importantly, proper packaging will help you to keep your workspace and brain organized.  Programming is hard enough, you don't need to make it worse on yourself.  I may keep a messy desk but I do try to have my source code laid out in a logical fashion.

Most of the time, we bundle up our .class files into something called a Jar.  This is just a file with a .jar extension, and it's actually in technical terms a .zip archive file.  This is convenient because a sizeable system can contain dozens or hundreds of .class files, and managing them individually will make you want to gnaw your foot off.

Now, we could go ahead and just put all of the .class files into one giant list.  But that's not a list you want to be looking at or searching through.  It is almost always possible to separate out the various parts of a project into logical subsections, and you should do this.

At the most basic level, you can control packaging by putting a line at the top of your source file like this one:

    package com.oopuniversity.packages;

It dictates that the compiled .class file should be placed in a subdirectory called 'com.oopuniversity.packages'.  When you want to refer to a class called 'PackageDemo' in your java code, you can do it either the hard way:

    com.oopuniversity.packages.PackageDemo = new com.oopuniversity.packages.PackageDemo();

Or you can do it the easy way.  Add an 'import' line up above your class declaration like this:

   import com.oopuniversity.packages.PackageDemo;

This applies to any class that is not in the same package as the class on which you're working.  For classes within the same package the import statement is unnecessary.'

IDEs make this whole process really easy.  You tell them to create a new package, and they do so, creating all of the necessary directories for both java and class files.  You try to create an object and they can automatically figure out that you need an import statement and add it for you.  When they build the code, it's placed in the correct location.

At first this may seem like a needless complication, but it pays off as soon as you're doing any work that is not extremely basic in nature.

The rules for package names are simple.  While it's not hard and fast, stick to lower case letters.  Separate individual words with periods.  You can call them anything you like, but it's generally a good idea to go from less specific to more specific.  Most of the standard packages that come in the Java libraries start with 'java.' and most third party packages start off with the domain name of the developer (this 'com.oopuniversity') and are then followed by as many identifiers as needed for your purposes.  It is a good idea to organize this way, because if you use the same package names as someone else does you could badly confuse your ClassLoader and this leads to really irritating situations when you try to get programs to actually run.  In short, 'util' is a pretty bad package name, but 'org.mycompany.util' is better.  'org.mycompany.secretproject.util' is even better yet.

In summary:

Organize your code into packages.
Specify the package name at the top of your source file.
Import the classes you need by specifying their packages in import statements.

There are specific packaging rules I like to follow when building systems, related to how the code itself is structured.  I'll talk about those rules when it's appropriate.  Those are going to be more on the order of recommendations, but it won't hurt you (much) to go along with them.