Sunday, November 15, 2015

There's a loop for each of us

This is one of the really useful additions to the Java language specifications.  It greatly simplifies many loop structures, eliminating a bunch of verbiage that we long thought was just part of the deal when writing code.

Let's meet what I hope will become a good friend of yours:  The enhanced for, also known as the 'for each' loop.

The for each loop structure is an enhancement that can be used to replace many of the standard for or while loops you would otherwise be writing.  It is extremely common to have to, for instance, go over the elements of an array or a collection, extract one element at a time, and perform operations on it.  Let's pretend that we have an ArrayList of Person objects, and we want to print a list of first and last names.

In the old days we might have written this (and if you don't understand why I use 'List' instead of 'ArrayList' see 'Good Practices: Coding to the Interface'):

public static void printPersonList1(List personList) {
    System.out.println("Using a 'while' loop the JDK 1.4 (and earlier) way:");
    Iterator iter = personList.iterator();
    while(iter.hasNext()) {
        Person p = (Person);
        System.out.println(p.getFirstName() + " " + p.getLastName());

Now, one improvement was the addition of 'Generics', which allowed us to simplify the code a bit by informing the compiler that our List and Iterator had to be of type Person:

public static void printPersonList2(List personList) {
    System.out.println("Using a 'while' loop with generics:");
    Iterator <Person> iter = personList.iterator();
    while(iter.hasNext()) {
        Person p =;
        System.out.println(p.getFirstName() + " " + p.getLastName());

Now, you might be wondering why I did my demonstrations of old style code with while loops to demonstrate a better for loop.  This is mostly because the while loop syntax is better suited to running over an Iterator than an old style for loop was.  It could be done, but frankly it's not as clean.  You'll note I had to leave out the third term of the for loop because it only gets executed after the body of the loop is complete and I had to pre-seed with the first value:

public static void printPersonList3(List<Person> personList) {
    System.out.println("Using a 'for' loop with generics:");
    Person p = null;
    for(Iterator <Person> iter = personList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        p =;
        System.out.println(p.getFirstName() + " " + p.getLastName());

Alternately, we could have skipped the Iterator altogether, which is really more in keeping with the natural usage of the old style for loop:

public static void printPersonList4(List<Person> personList) {
    System.out.println("Using a 'for' loop with no iterator:");
    Person p = null;
    for(int i = 0; i < personList.size(); i++) {
        p = personList.get(i);
        System.out.println(p.getFirstName() + " " + p.getLastName());

OK, here's the actual example I'm trying to get across to you.  This is the 'enhanced for' loop, also knows as the 'for each':

But the for each loop construct went a lot further and made things much better:

public static void printPersonList5(List<Person> personList) {
    System.out.println("Using a 'for each' loop:");
    for(Person p:personList) {
        System.out.println(p.getFirstName() + " " + p.getLastName());

Note how concise it is, with no extra stuff.  Get Person objects from this collection and run with it.  Using the enhanced for loop simplifies our code, letting us get on with the conceptual task at hand and saving our fingers from some typing.  It's extremely common to go over a collection of data and perform some task on every element, so why should we have to write it all out explicitly every time?  You can use for each loops on classes based on Collection and on arrays equally well, which means we're more likely to use it and get the code right the first time.

private static void printStringArray(String[] aList) {
    System.out.println("The enhanced for can also work on array types:");
    for(String s: aList) {

It actually took me a while to get used to using this loop structure, because I spent so much time supporting code that had to run in 1.4 level JREs.  In order to ensure the best compatibility I was also compiling with a 1.4 JDK so I didn't have access to this feature.  I'll tell you what, I was really missing out.  My fingers are probably a couple of millimeters shorter than they should be because of all the wear and tear from the extra typing I did.  I for one am glad we have this loop available, and you probably should be, too.

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Friday, November 13, 2015

Paris :-(

My heart goes out to the residents and visitors of the City of Light this evening.

Design Patterns: Singleton

The word 'singleton' is used to describe a design pattern for objects where only one instance of the object is allowed to exist.

It would technically be possible for you to use nearly any Java class as a singleton by being very, very careful to only create one instance and use it throughout your application.  But why do you want to work that hard?  It's pretty easy to force a class to act as a singleton with a few lines of code.

First of all, we make sure that there is no constructor available to the public.  This means we must create at least one constructor and mark it with the keyword private.  This will keep random objects from just creating their own instances of the class you wish to protect.

    public class MySingletonClass {
        private MySingletonClass() {}

Of course, that means you can't create your single object either!  Never fear, we can get around that.  After all, the singleton class itself can still invoke the constructor.  Since we can't make an instance, though, it will have to be a static method.  I prefer to call it 'getInstance' because that's a good description of what it does.

Of course, it's not safe or desirable to have getInstance just create a new object each time it's called.  So instead we'll store an object reference of the classes' own type inside it and use that:

    public class MySingletonClass {
        private MySingletonClass() {}
        private static MySingletonClass singleton = null;
        public static MySingletonClass getInstance() {
            return singleton;

And the rest is just the work that needs to be done to make this function reliably:

     public class MySingletonClass {
        private MySingletonClass() {}
        private static MySingletonClass singleton = null;
        public static MySingletonClass getInstance() {
            if (null == singleton) {
                singleton = new MySingletonClass();
            return singleton;    

So what have we done here?  We've created a class that can't just be instantiated by anyone.  Instead, we've enforced a contract on client classes, one that states they can only create one copy of this object.  Whichever object attempts to obtain the singleton first will (unknowingly) be responsible for creating it as well in a case of lazy initialization.  The getInstance method is our gatekeeper for this, handing out the same object reference whenever asked:

    MySingletonClass aSingleton = MySingletonClass.getInstance();

As you can see, using it is pretty easy.  You could of course provide parameters to this method and pass them on to the constructor if needed.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Stop giving me so much static

Let's talk about the keyword static for a moment.

There are two different uses for this in our code.  It can be applied to methods or it can be applied to variables.

When static is applied, it disassociates the item being declared from any specific instance of the class.  For methods, this means that the method can be called by anyone at any time without creating a new class of that type.  This can be particularly handy for utility functions, initializers, or any other chunk of code that wants to run without caring that it's about a particular person, bill, or list of stocks.  For variables, it mostly means that the value is shared across all instances of the class.

Static Methods

Static methods can be called without making a new class.  For instance, it could be used for a factory method, which is a design pattern that calls for objects to be built by calling a function to do so.

public class Person {
    public static Person createPerson(firstName, lastName) {

You can call createPerson without having a Person object, like so:

Person.createPerson("John", "Doe");

Many utility functions are declared as static, and as a general rule they will need to operate free of any context supplied by objects.

Static Variables

Static variables come from the same basic idea of being disassociated from any specific instances of the class.  They're useful for maintaining overall context, for instance, if we want to keep track of how many Person objects we've created we could write something like this:

public class Person {
    private static int numberCreated = 0;
    public static Person createPerson(firstName, lastName) {
        numberCreated ++;

Now, every time we invoke createPerson, we'll also be incrementing the value of numberCreated, and it will always be available as a statistic our programs can check.

Many times, inexperienced programmers will overuse static methods, because when they first start creating methods and functions, they just call them from main.  Your main method has to be static, and if you try calling non-static methods directly from it, the compiler complains.  So the path of least resistance is often seen as just making those other methods static too.  This does seem to work, but it goes against object oriented design principals, and it's best to nip this in the bud.  So they start with this:

public class OutputTest {
    private PrintStream outputStream = ...;
    public static void main(String [] args) {
        print("This is a test");
    public void print(String message) {

But that fails because you can't call 'print' from a static context, so they change it to this

public class OutputTest {
    private PrintStream outputStream = ...;
    public static void main(String [] args) {
        print("This is a test");
    public static void print(String message) {

That fails, too, because outputStream isn't static, so they change the code again:

public class OutputTest {
    private static PrintStream outputStream = ...;
    public static void main(String [] args) {
        print("This is a test");
    public static void print(String message) {

And they're satisfied.  Everything works now!  I call this the static cascade, and I recommend avoiding it.  If you did not originally intend for these items to be shared and free of binding to specific objects, then don't go changing them to act that way.  

Get used to writing object oriented code.  Do this instead:

public class OutputTest {
    private PrintStream outputStream = ...;
    public static void main(String [] args) {
        OutputTest test = new OutputTest();  //The key!
        test.print("This is a test");
    public void print(String message) {

While it might be a bit more of a conceptual leap, it's actually a far smaller change to the original code, and it opens your class up to being more adaptable to use in other systems.  It's also a necessary step towards object oriented thinking, so you might as well get it over with now.

It's the final countdown!

Many times we declare a variable that we really ought not to change, at least in some particular spot.  We can just remember not to change it, and that might work.  A better solution is to let the language keep us from even trying, and Java offers us the final keyword for this purpose.

A variable declared as final cannot be changed, so maybe the word 'variable' does not even really apply, so we can call them 'constants' if we like.  This has a couple of different purposes.  First off, we might want to set up a constant like an approximation of pi for use in a class that does geometric calculations:

static final float pi = 3.14159;

Now any code that tries to change pi will be flagged by the compiler as a problem.

Another use for the final keyword is to make sure that methods don't modify parameters we've given them:

public void calculateValue (final int quantity) {

This would make sure that we don't accidentally change quantity somewhere inside the calculateValue method.

The compiler is able to simplify the code that it generates for variables declared as 'final', so we get that benefit, too.  In short, it's a good idea to declare things as final whenever it's reasonably possible to do so.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I tried to print my array but all I got was gobbledegook!

This is inspired by a post at /r/javahelp.

A user posted that they were trying to print a sorted array to the console with System.out,println, and that instead of anything that made sense they got [I@4969dd64...  So clearly something was wrong and the array was not being sorted.

But that's faulty troubleshooting, as one could tell by just trying to print the array before sorting.  You would see basically the same thing.

The reason for this is that when you do a System.out.println on any object, what you're actually doing is calling 'toString()'.  If you are printing your own objects for which you've created nice methods that override the default toString, you get nicely formatted output.  If you're using an ArrayList you get a nice, comma separated list enclosed in square brackets.

Arrays are more primitive than that.  Their default toString is just the one from Object, and it does nothing more than tell you where in the heap the object is located.  This is good for verifying that something isn't null, but useless for determining the content.

If you want to see the contents of the array, you've gotta do the work yourself, my friend.  And it's not difficult at all.  This, for instance, will work for any array of Objects that themselves support a reasonable version of 'toString':

public static String arrayToString(Object[] theArray) {
    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder("[");
    for (Object o:theArray){
        if (output.toString().length() > 1) {
    return output.toString();

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Monday, November 9, 2015

Indentation and style: A mild rant.

People, people, people.  When you're writing your code, you don't indent it and use brackets consistently  in order to get brownie points.  You do it to avoid long, long hours spent fruitlessly searching your code for something that should have been obvious.  You don't do it so that your code looks pretty, you do it so that your code is clear.

This was brought on by a snippet of code I found on pastebin that I rather wish I hadn't even seen.  The indentation was all over the map and brackets were placed willy-nilly, and the guy wanted help.  I wish he'd seen fit to help himself first.  It's not like formatting code is even a difficult task.  Any decent IDE will do it for you in no time flat.  This can expose all sorts of issues, like that string of closing brackets down at the end that probably should have been interrupted by code that was, instead, nested at the deepest level.

Back in the day, we'd run our code through a 'pretty printer' program before checking it in to source control.  This didn't offer the same amenities we have now, but at least when someone checked out a module they didn't find themselves recoiling in horror until after they'd reviewed the logic.

When you format your code consistently, you're not doing me a favor.  You're doing yourself a favor.  Future you will thank you for that, even as he or she is still kinda cheesed off that you chose to eat so many Doritos and didn't hit the gym enough.