Encapsulation sounds like the central plot point of some weird science fiction movie, but actually it's a fundamental technique for improving the reliability and predictability of object oriented programs.
Let's pull out our old friend PersonData and see what's ailing him today:
public class PersonData {
public String givenName;
public String surName;
public PersonData() {
public PersonData(String given, String sur) {
givenName = given;
surName = sur;
public String toString() {
return givenName + " " + surName;
Let me start by saying that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with this class. It is properly formed, is created with a valid constructor, and has a fully functional toString override method that formats the name is a reasonable manner.
Is it object oriented? Well, it's an object at any rate, but we can do better.
Here's the key issue I'd like to address today. Suppose we had a method that we wanted to use to ensure that a person's name begins with a capital letter. The logic for this is simple enough, but I'm going to deliberately break it for this example, so don't use this method as-is:
public static String ensureFirstCharacterIsUpperCase(String input) {
String upperCaseString = null;
if (Character.isUpperCase(input.charAt(0))) {
return input;
upperCaseString = input.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + input.substring(1);
return input; //Bad programmer! No Pizza!
Ignoring for the moment the fact that this method will not quite do what we actually want, how would one go about using it?
Well, we could go ahead and write something like this:
PersonData joeBlow = new PersonData();
That would work just fine, the first, second, and eight hundredth time you do it. But why would you want to? What if you decided that you wanted to capitalize all surnames? What if you wanted to plug in some library that understands how to capitalize special names like MacNeil or something? Do you really want to search out every instance of setting the last name and change it?
There is a better way, my friend, and it gets to one of the other key aspects of object oriented programming. Encapsulation is basically protecting your data from your own programs by making it inaccessible except through a very clearly defined path that you strictly control.
We start by making the fields surName and givenName private. This indicates that they cannot be changed by code in any class except PersonData.
private String givenName;
private String surName;
Of course, we aren't quite finished at this point, because we can't change or even see these values. That could make for a remarkably useless class if we did not find a way around it. The way around it is by creating 'accessor' and 'mutator' methods. Those are horrible names so we usually just call them 'getters' and 'setters'. These labels actually make a lot more sense, because the naming convention is to prefix the field name with 'get' and 'set'.
The required methods for PersonData could look like this:
public void setGivenName(String newGivenName) {
givenName = newGivenName;
public String getGivenName() {
return givenName;
public void setSurName(String newSurName) {
surName = newSurName;
public String getSurName() {
return surName;
With the fields marked private, and with our getters and setters in place, we would now write the code above more like this:
PersonData joeBlow = new PersonData();
joeBlow.setGivenName (ensureFirstCharacterIsUpperCase("joe"));
joeBlow.setSurName (ensureFirstCharacterIsUpperCase("blow"));
But wait, there's more!
Why should we take a chance that we (or some other developer) fails to use that method to make sure our first character is correct? We can do better than that, and make sure it always happens no matter what kind of night someone had. For now, we'll move 'ensureFirstCharacterIsUpperCase' into PersonData (we'll talk about a better way later) and we'll change our setters a bit:
public void setGivenName(String newGivenName) {
givenName = ensureFirstCharacterIsUpperCase(newGivenName);
public void setSurName(String newSurName) {
surName = ensureFirstCharacterIsUpperCase(newSurName);
With this done, we can now do this instead:
PersonData joeBlow = new PersonData();
joeBlow.setGivenName ("joe");
joeBlow.setSurName ("blow");
And still get everything looking the way we expect. We've minimized the amount of code we need to write, and we've encapsulated both field access and a bit of business logic in our PersonData class. Malicious or misinformed programmers will not be able to bypass our hard and fast rules. IDEs won't even let you see the fields in their helpful pop-up dialogs. Dogs will love us.
Of course, we can (and really should) do more than this. First off, we have a constructor that accepts the two names, and we need to make sure it's also performing this task. That's probably most easily done by also having it call the setters. Second, we can think about other business rules we can enforce, like "A user's first name cannot be null or zero length". The setter can check for this and refuse to accept a bad value. Of course, if it does so it also needs to complain to the caller that they've done it wrong. This would be done via an Exception, which we'll need to talk about soon.
Get used to writing your code this way. Protect your data from yourself. Use accessor and mutator methods regularly and uniformly. It's a small amount of extra work, but you will thank yourself later. It's actually a VERY small amount of extra work, given that any decent IDE will create the methods for you if you just ask, and it will certainly save you time and energy later on.
I'll update this post later with a link to a gist containing the fully updated PersonData Object.
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