Wednesday, November 11, 2015

It's the final countdown!

Many times we declare a variable that we really ought not to change, at least in some particular spot.  We can just remember not to change it, and that might work.  A better solution is to let the language keep us from even trying, and Java offers us the final keyword for this purpose.

A variable declared as final cannot be changed, so maybe the word 'variable' does not even really apply, so we can call them 'constants' if we like.  This has a couple of different purposes.  First off, we might want to set up a constant like an approximation of pi for use in a class that does geometric calculations:

static final float pi = 3.14159;

Now any code that tries to change pi will be flagged by the compiler as a problem.

Another use for the final keyword is to make sure that methods don't modify parameters we've given them:

public void calculateValue (final int quantity) {

This would make sure that we don't accidentally change quantity somewhere inside the calculateValue method.

The compiler is able to simplify the code that it generates for variables declared as 'final', so we get that benefit, too.  In short, it's a good idea to declare things as final whenever it's reasonably possible to do so.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I tried to print my array but all I got was gobbledegook!

This is inspired by a post at /r/javahelp.

A user posted that they were trying to print a sorted array to the console with System.out,println, and that instead of anything that made sense they got [I@4969dd64...  So clearly something was wrong and the array was not being sorted.

But that's faulty troubleshooting, as one could tell by just trying to print the array before sorting.  You would see basically the same thing.

The reason for this is that when you do a System.out.println on any object, what you're actually doing is calling 'toString()'.  If you are printing your own objects for which you've created nice methods that override the default toString, you get nicely formatted output.  If you're using an ArrayList you get a nice, comma separated list enclosed in square brackets.

Arrays are more primitive than that.  Their default toString is just the one from Object, and it does nothing more than tell you where in the heap the object is located.  This is good for verifying that something isn't null, but useless for determining the content.

If you want to see the contents of the array, you've gotta do the work yourself, my friend.  And it's not difficult at all.  This, for instance, will work for any array of Objects that themselves support a reasonable version of 'toString':

public static String arrayToString(Object[] theArray) {
    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder("[");
    for (Object o:theArray){
        if (output.toString().length() > 1) {
    return output.toString();

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